Earlier I was outside with my crush...
Earlier I was outside with my crush and it was pretty cold. I had never really told her that I liked her before. We were just eating our lunch outside because thats where we normally sit. The other few people who usually sit with us weren't there due to a club they were in. It was really awkward but eventually we got talking about stuff. She started talking about how it was so cold and how her hands were freezing, then I asked her if she wanted me to warm them up. She said yes all flustered and I just kinda held her hand for a moment and I was so happy. She then said, "you know what else I want? I want about tree fiddy." It was about this time that I noticed that she was an 8 stories tall crustacean from the protozoic era. I yelled, "you damn monster! I ain't givin you no tree fiddy!"
This is funny because of the unexpected turn that it takes at the end. When the girl asks the jokester for "tree fiddy" ($3.50), that is a bit weird, but then when he describes her as an 8 stories tall crustacean, the story becomes so absurd as to no longer make sense.
The ending of him cussing out his crush and refusing to give her money completes the U Turn that the story took from being a sweet story about young love to a surreal experience.
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