Q: What do you call a Sith Lord with joint pain?
Q: What do you call a Sith Lord with joint pain?
A: Darth Ritis
This is a traditional Q and A style riddle, and the answer to the riddle is a pun. The humor in the pun is due to the fact that all sith lords have "Darth x" as their name, where x is any random word or collection of syllables, for instance: sidious, vader, maul, tyrannous, etc. So, Darth Ritis could totally be a sith lord name.
On the other side of the pun, arthritis is a medical condition which causes joint pain, and so the name could also be "d Arthritis" at the same time.
This isn't that good a joke, but it did cause me to slightly smile when I read it.
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