Sometimes we put up walls.

This is a Trump meme - I have been seeing a lot of these recently, and I find that they usually don't make me laugh. Perhaps it is because they are not funny, but perhaps it is because I am no longer capable of laughter.

I will attempt now to analyse the humor in this one.

This meme has reference to the wall that Donald Trump said that he would build as part of campaigning to become president in 2016. It also contains a quote about walls which has been reported to have been said by lots of different people (but was probably not said by any of them.

There are multiple reasons why this is funny. For one thing the quote is pretty whiny, and paired with images of trump looking sad, it makes it seem like trump is saying it. Other people's misfortune is often a source of humor, so the idea that Trump is sad could certainly be funny.

This quote also insinuates that trump is not building the wall for his stated purpose of keeping Mexicans out of the US, but instead as a sort of cry for help, which is an insult to Trump (since it compares him to a whiny teenager), and therefore funny.

The frowny face emoji at the end of the text serves as an additional reminder (perhaps to people that cannot read facial expressions, nor understand emotions that are not explicitly stated) that this post is about something sad.

After having analysed this, I still don't find it to be that funny. Perhaps because it is too over the top? Perhaps because I am incredibly fed up with the major political parties in the US right now? Perhaps because it is too close to home to be funny?

As a side note - sorry for not writing for so long - I was having a super busy semester, and I got out of the habit. I think that I am going to do a week or two of trump memes to see if any of them are funny, and why they are funny. Hopefully that will get me writing these things again.



unexpected trump meme bar knock knock Christmas programming definitional bad dad talking animals anti-humor failed expectation irony political lie airplane dark black elephant language literal onomatopoeia Biden deconstruction disability math ambiguous grammar rude self denigrating false assumption garden path misfortune occupation slapstick canadian internet explorer knowledge mass culture physics illogical put-down racist surprise toilet humor animal bathroom humor contradiction english funny punchlineless sarcastic setupless shaggy dog stupid alcoholic aptronym black humor board game body humor cat covid-19 death depression dog famous person hyperbole impulse control insinuation juxtaposition lazy long meta nationalist one-liner photoshopped pop culture sad but true speech problems stealth surprised pikachu swearing unstated Halloween Karen Lord of the Rings archetype breaking behavior dissonance blonde cheese chicken circular confirmation coronavirus dated deliberate dissonance fake punchline fat fish hypocrite implied punchline inappropriate joke light-bulb mispronounce monday mondegreen obama obscure old pessimism pirate plumber portmanteau prank call repetitive self referential spelling star wars stereotype suspended disbelief talking food technology troll untellable violence weird whiplash work your mother 2020 Disney Pavlov Perl accent accident adage advertisement allusion ambush anakin skywalker anti-pun audience participation bald bash beat panel biology blunt booger call and response chemistry clown context covid current events date defeatist delusion difference divorce doge drug drunk duck electrician emo escalation evil cat face bomb faces false dichotomy fantasy fear fickle forgetful fourth wall breaking garbage man generational gesture ghost gif gorillas greedy harry potter hippie historical history idiom immature implication insultnsult jargon lettuce library linguistic macabre made up words media mental disorder mental illness mexico mistake name name-calling nazi numbers pain paradox pedantic petty phrase subversion pokemon poker face pretentious prison protests punctuation purple prose rap reverse rhyme roll safe science sickness spanish spiderman spoonerism straight man subversion suicide surreal swear talking objects thinker true twisted tea typo unpronounceable vegan visual who would win winter work humor written only wrong zoo
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